
Monday, April 22, 2019

Run. Run fast and far. He will ruin your life like he ruined mine and many who came before...

Run. Run fast. He has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Don't know what it is? Follow the posts here. He is the covert type which means he can appear normal in public, but in private - and the closer you are - he is a horrible mess. Verbal abuse - mostly passive-aggressive, condescending tones, contempt-filled glaring looks and he criticizes everything he once claimed to love about you. He will not ask you how you feel, he will tell you how you feel and when you protest his assumptions he will tell you that you just like to cause trouble and argue.

This man discarded me when I finally stood up for myself and asked him to stop hurting me. I was willing to put in the work because I loved him more than anything in this world. But what I didn't know then - what that he is not capable of forming deep loving bonds. He can love on the surface, but below that, he has an agenda. It does not matter who you are - he has an agenda. He may be looking for a new place to live, or a new state to move to - whatever it is, you will have something he needs. You are not being chosen because you are special. You are being chosen because he has a void to fill in his life. He lacks something that can only be supplied by having someone to project all his negative thoughts and emotions on to.

I held out for 8 painful years. I let him hurt me time and time again and each time I said, "that's ok" and I let it go. I did not hold him accountable. I let him get comfortable disrespecting me. Everything he is telling you about me and what happened in our marriage is a lie. The good news is he does not think he is lying. The bad news is NPD is a pathological condition for which there is NO CURE. NO PILL - the only thing that can change it is WAEL and he never will face this deep dark pain in himself. It will take you years to know and understand Wael the way I do. I know what I lived through - I was there. I know Wael better than he knows himself - I know his family, I know the company he works for - I know where the bodies are buried so to speak.

Trust me when I say, the man you see before you now - is not the man you will see if you enter into a relationship with him. Run. Run fast and far. He will ruin your life. He ruined mine.

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