
Saturday, January 26, 2019

distorted version of reality

Wael's version of reality is distorted by faulty wiring that leads him to believe what he sees is the truth and everyone else is wrong.  Hence, when I tried to show him proof of his narcissistic behavior he can only say "Well, I don't see it and nobody else sees it."

First of all he CANNOT see it.  The very nature of the disorder is to protect the psyche from pain.  He does not want to see that.  Cognitive dissonance makes him actually believe the false reality he has constructed and everyone else looks wrong.  It is like someone putting on rose colored glasses and believing that everyone and everything is red because that is how he sees it.

A narcissist is highly moldable and can morph themselves into who are what the target victim wants.  He readily admits this too because Wael once said to me "I know how to make people like me."  So therefore, to me, he appeared to be a kind, loving individual who was sensitive.  That is what he showed me to "hook" me into his fold.  Then when I noticed different behaviors over the course of the years, I always believed he could get back to this person he showed me in the beginning.  But that was not possible because it was an act of morphing into what he perceived I needed and wanted.

I urge all his current friends and associates to keep this in mind when dealing with him.  When listening to his explanations of what happened with me.  Because I guarantee I was blindsided with a cold and cruel discard.  I was dumped.  Don't listen to his distorted version.  He tells people what he believes to be the truth based on what he sees through the glasses of distortion.  He is not aware that his reality looks different from the actual reality.  He actually believes that what he sees is the truth.  This is different from someone who is being intentionally deceitful.  No, Wael actually believes his version because his brain processes the information differently. One of Wael's favorite projections onto me was to say that "I live in my own reality."  It was him.

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