
Saturday, February 23, 2019

what is projection

projection is when the abusive person tries to convince you that you are doing what they are.


Wael often told me he can't believe anything that comes out of my mouth because I always lie.
I even have him recorded telling me this.  Of course it caused me to fly into a rage - any false accusation does.  But what Wael was really saying was:  I AM A LIAR.  YOU CAN'T BELIEVE ANYTHING OUT OF MY MOUTH.
He projected his negative aspects on to me.
It is directly related to how unhappy he is with himself.  When he was miserable because he had to work in a shoe store instead of the oil and gas field, he could not be happy or grateful for what he had.  Instead he felt miserable inside so he took it out on me.  Wael was miserable a lot.  He also told me I was miserable.  Another classic projection.  He was admitting his own feelings.
If you want to know how your narcissist feels - just listen to the things he says to you.  Projection.

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