
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Each day

Each day that passes brings me no closer to understanding how someone that I thought loved me so much could turn on me in such a cruel and vicious way.  I never expected Wael to be such a selfish asshole - to me anyway.  I witnessed it with others but though I was immune to being a victim of his contempt.  I was his wife after all.

He was able to fake it for 8 years.  YES.  He used me.
He says he didn't, but the facts are obvious.
Why suddenly after having his US citizenship did he start to say "we just aren't meant to be together" . "we rushed into marriage".


He was gaslighting me.  I guess he thought I would just contemplate one of these absurd statements and say "yes Wael. You are absolutely right."  No way.  I was blindsided about where all of this was coming from.  I fought it till it killed destroyed me.

Personality disorders destroy thousands upon thousands upon thousands.  It is pandemic in nature.

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